Sunday, September 13, 2009

What blog isn't complete without a challenge...

When Jennifer and I first started talking about doing a blog we were hung up mainly on a name and some content, many text messages later we are in buisness. While my brain was buzzing about my first post I thought "What Eco blog isn't complete without a challenge?" We are both embarking on locavorism as well as being more eco friendly and non-toxic in our lives, why not kick it up a notch.

Enter the Local Foods challenge. I know, been done 100 times, but not by us and hey we like a challenge and love to torture those around us. So we have decided to progressively go to as many local food stuffs as possible purchasing things within 100 mile radius of our homes starting with our gardens and working our way out. There will be "freebies" such as chocolate that you can't get locally or bananas for the toddler. On these items however we will seek out the best fair trade and organic option out there. For other items we can not find we will have to consult our panel (me and Jennifer) on what is the best option or if we should just give it up. Can I give up, Avocados...maybe. We are going to be realistic while getting as local as possible.

I think if anything we are going to have a blast looking for local options for our favorite foods. We may even review a few things to encourage our small local audience to do the same. Buying locally is not only good for your local economy but it also supports local farmers and is good for the planet.

I hope you enjoy reading about our fun should be interesting!

Jaimelee <3